French Resistance – photography exhibition

French Resistance – photography exhibition. The photography exhibition, “The National Council of the Resistance” – the French Resistance – on the railings of the Town Hall of the 14th arrondissement of Paris, from 17 May to 1 June 2024, addresses the theme of the Occupation and the beginnings of the Resistance in 1944. 

The French café: open ‘like a lighthouse in the night’

The French café: open ‘like a lighthouse in the night.’ A photography exhibition in Paris is a tribute to the women and men across France who keep cafés open ‘like a lighthouse in the night.’  Along the railings of the park next to the Town Hall of the 14th arrondissement in Paris is a photographyContinue reading “The French café: open ‘like a lighthouse in the night’”

The Banquet of Bread – portraits of artisanal bakers in Paris 

The Banquet of Bread – portraits of artisanal bakers in Paris. Bread is the ‘staff of life’ – or as some say, the ‘stuff of life’ – everywhere in the world. Bread and its bakers sustain life – le pain et ses boulangers soutiennent la vie.  There are many references to bread in James Joyce’s novels onContinue reading “The Banquet of Bread – portraits of artisanal bakers in Paris “

Rue Delambre and the plaques of Gauguin, Breton, and Hemingway

Rue Delambre and the plaques of Gauguin, Breton, and Hemingway. Paul Gauguin, André Breton, and Maurice Le Scouezec are just three famous celebrities who stayed in the Hotel Delambre in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. People know this by the three gold plaques, not on the façade, but in the entranceway hidden from view. Paul GauguinContinue reading “Rue Delambre and the plaques of Gauguin, Breton, and Hemingway”

Not everyone wants a facelift – especially La Comedie Italienne theatre

Not everyone wants a facelift – especially La Comedie Italienne theatre. The “Comédie Italienne” (Italian Comedy) theatre in Rue de la Gaîté, Paris, in the 14th arrondissement is about to have an unwanted facelift – or, in this case, a façade-lift. The Comédie Italienne is the only Italian theatre in France. It has a distinctive,Continue reading “Not everyone wants a facelift – especially La Comedie Italienne theatre”

La Rotonde renovations, June 2020 – still a sign of the times

La Rotonde renovations, June 2020 – still a sign of the times. There is no direct mention of James Joyce visiting La Rotonde brasserie on the Boulevard du Montparnasse, nor is it mentioned in any of his books. It is on the edge of the 6th arrondissement, where the 14th arrondissement begins. Facing La Rotonde isContinue reading “La Rotonde renovations, June 2020 – still a sign of the times”